Well & Being Spa's Top 3 Essential Skincare Tips For Mask Wearers
Carrie Kennedy, Director of Well & Being Spa
2020 has been a year full of change, and that's putting it lightly. As we adapt to these changes, so must our health and wellness routines. Masks have become an integral part of our lives, but tight fits and friction can lead to pesky breakouts, skin irritation and rashes—all common side effects of wearing protective coverings over the face for a prolonged period of time.
Skin suffering under your mask? Pamper it with these three tips from Well & Being Spa. They're easy to incorporate into your day-to-day skincare routine, while making a world of difference!
1. Purify
Avoid any skin challenges by maintaining a clean and healthy foundation. A gentle cleanser like our guest-favorite Chamomile Cleansing Milk from Naturopathica helps calm and remove impurities.
2. Renew
Wearing a mask on the daily can leave skin clogged. Avoid this with a super gentle exfoliant like Naturopathica's Oat Cleansing Facial Polish. Apply once a week to keep build up at bay.
3. Nourish
Experiencing dryness and irritation from wearing your mask so often? Naturopathica's Calendula Essential Hydrating Cream comes to the rescue. This super anti-inflammatory powerhouse acts as a barrier between the skin and mask.
It's important to remember that during these topsy-turvy times, tending to your personal wellbeing and releasing stress in healthy ways is more important than ever. Self-care is not selfish or indulgent, rather it's how we are physically, emotionally and mentally capable to be there for others.
Allow Well & Being Spa to serve as your Happy Place during these times; A place you can unwind and recharge safely and serenely. Call 480.585.2732 to book your favorite facial for a personalized skincare assessment, or book online here.